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Enemy Territory v1.02 resmi yaması çıktı.

Patchi yüklemek için :

» ET_patch_1.02.exe [3.24 mb]

Bu patch, bir önceki patch olan 1.01'deki gibi yalnızca Server-side değil, hem client'lere hemde server'lara aşağıdaki düzeltmeleri getiriyor..

Not : Et server'imizda 1.01'den 1.02'ye yükseltilmiştir. Server'a bağlanabilmeniz için oyuncularında bu yükseltmeyi yapmaları gerekmektedir.

Weapon fixes include moving Land Mines and Adrenaline needles to separate
weapon banks. Made switching to a weapon after dropping dynamite/satchel/landmines easier. Also added ability for Covert Ops/Engineer to pick up weapons from the opposing team of the same class. Fixed some issues with Air Strike detonation. Fixed XP not being given (and stats being kept) for kills with akimbo pistols.

Server side fixes include private slots not working when the server is
password-protected, added cvar (g_disableComplaints) to disable complaint system for certain type of kills, 1 = mines, 2 = airstrike/ffe, 4 = mortar (add together for multiple types). Made it so, for the cvars that require it, any changes to public/competition settings will now do a map restart. Added a temporary banning system for when players are kicked by vote or from complaints (defaults to 5 mins).

Client-side additions include the ability to show smaller popup messages
(such as death messages) with cvar (cg_drawSmallPopupIcons). Made it easier to give health and ammo to players closer to you (instead of giving it to yourself by accident). Fixed vid_restarts causing players to be thrown into limbo on pure servers. Fixed changing game modes causing entities (mounted MG's) to be spawned incorrectly. Fixed some votes not displaying properly. Sped up fog rendering code and many other behind-the-scenes fixes!



Yazar:Aragorn   Tarih:1.10.2003
RTCW linkleri

blood and gore

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Yazar:Aragorn   Tarih:13.04.2003
  Enemy Terrorityi yüklemek için tıklayın.






Yazar:Aragorn   Tarih:15.04.2003








Webmaster Sevenos & Aragorn (c) 2003